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Lord Jesus, Thou dost keep Thy child - Arun Elias

1 Verse:
Lord Jesus, Thou dost keep Thy child
Thru sunshine or thru tempests wild;
Jesus, I trust in Thee:
Thine is such wondrous pow’r to save;
Thine is the mighty love that gave
 Its all on Calvary.

2 Verse:
O glorious Savior, Thee I praise;
To Thee my new glad song I raise,
And tell of what Thou art.
Thy grace is boundless in its store;
Thy face of love shines evermore;
Thou givest me Thy heart.

3 Verse:
Upon Thy promises I stand,
Trusting in Thee: Thine own right hand
Doth keep and comfort me;
My soul doth triumph in Thy word;
Thine, Thine be all the praise, dear Lord,
As Thine the victory.

4 Verse:
Love perfecteth what it begins;
Thy power doth save me from my sins;
Thy grace upholdeth me.
This life of trust, how glad, how sweet;
My need and Thy great fulness meet,
And I have all in Thee.


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