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I Am a Child of God
Sounds Like Reign
I Am a Child of God - Sounds Like Reign

1 Verse:
Praise the Lord, my heart 
with His love is beaming,
I am a child of God;

Heaven’s golden light 
over me is streaming,
I am a child of God.

I am a child of God,
I am a child of God;
I have washed my robes 
in the cleansing fountain,
I am a child of God.

2 Verse:
Let the saints rejoice 
with my raptured spirit,
I am a child of God;

I will testify 
that the world may hear it,
I am a child of God.

3 Verse:
Let a holy life 
tell the gospel story,
I am a child of God;

How He fills the soul 
with His grace and glory,
I am a child of God.

4 Verse:
Saved from sin today, 
every band is riven,
I am a child of God;

Through the tests of life 
I have peace from heaven,
I am a child of God.


44 просмотра 45 прослушиваний 1 скачиваний

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Болгарский Дете на Бог
Искра Колева Sounds Like Reign

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