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’Tis a true and faithful saying
’Tis a true and faithful saying - Неизвестен
1 Verse: ’Tis a true and faithful saying, Jesus died for sinful men; Tho’ we’ve told the story often, We must tell it o’er again. Chorus: O glad and glorious Gospel! With joy we now proclaim A full and free Salvation, Through faith in Jesus’ name. 2 Verse: He has made a full atonement, Now His saving work is done; He has satisfied the Father, Who accepts us in His Son. 3 Verse: Still upon His hands the nail prints, And the scars upon His brow; Our Redeemer, Lord and Savior In the glory standeth now. 4 Verse: But remember, this same Jesus In the clouds will come again, And with Him His blood-bought people Evermore shall live and reign.
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