Обзор Презентация
All Is for Your Glory (Live) - Justin Rizzo

1 verse:  
There’s just one chief end to man’s purpose
One main reason for existence
All man’s vain and high ambitions
       Hm                                D            Hm                                D
Will one day be brought low will one day be brought low

2 verse:  
To treasure You above all others
To love You like we love no other
Your greatness soon will be uncovered
Will one day be brought low will one day be brought low

Pre Chorus:  
       Em               D/F#                       Asus   A
For You alone will be exalted in that day
Em                          D                          A 
Worthless goals will be exposed as idols that we’ve made
       Em              D/F#                      Asus-A
For You alone will be exalted in that day
Em                          D                         A 
You’ll be seen as rightful King and from our hearts we’ll say

G/H                       D/A 
All is for Your glory
G/H                       D      A
All is for Your name
G/H                       D/A 
All is for Your glory
            G/H                                         D/A 
That in all things You may have the first place
            G/H                                       D/A 
That in all things You may have preeminence 

        G                                            D 
So put me anywhere,  just put Your glory in  me
        G                                               D 
I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty
        G                                            D 
So put me anywhere,  just put Your glory in  me 
        G                                               D 
I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty


16 просмотров 11 прослушиваний 1 скачиваний

Перевод песни

Русский Всё для Твоей славы
Инна Гладун Cory Asbury
Английский All is for Your glory
Onething Live
Английский All Is For Your Glory
Jeremy Riddle
Русский Все для Твоей Славы
House of Acts Music
Английский All Is For Your Glory
Laura Hackett Park

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