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How Great Is Our God Nadya Hope

1 Verse: G Em7 The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty, C2 Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. G Em7 He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide, C2 And trembles at his voice, trembles at his voice.
Chorus: G How great is our God, sing with me, Em7 How great is our God, and all will see, C D G How great, how great is our God.
2 Verse: G Em7 Age to age He stands, and time is in His hands, C2 Beginning and the end, beginning and the end. G Em7 The Godhead, three in one: Father, Spirit, Son, C2 The Lion and the Lamb the Lion and the Lamb
Bridge: G Name above all names, Em7 Worthy of all praise, C My heart will sing D G How great is our God.

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