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It Is Better Farther On
Sounds Like Reign
It Is Better Farther On Sounds Like Reign

1 Verse: As we travel through the desert Storms beset us on our way; But beyond the River Jordan Lies a field of endless days.
Refrain: Farther on still go farther, Count the milestones one by one. Jesus will forsake you never. It is better farther on.
2 Verse: Oh my brother are you weary Of the roughness of the way? Does your strength begin to fail you And your vigor to decay?
3 Verse: Jesus, Jesus will go with you, He will lead you to the throne, He who dyed His garments for you, And the winepress trod alone.
4 Verse: At my grave I'll still you be singing, Though you weep for one that’s gone. Singing as we once did singing, It is better farther on.

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