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Into the woods my Master went
Wilshire Baptist Church
Into the woods my Master went - Wilshire Baptist Church

1 verse:
Into the woods my Master went,
Clean forspent, forspent,
Into the woods my Master came,
Forspent with love and shame.
But the olives they were not blind to Him 
The little grey leaves were kind to Him 
The thorn tree had a mind to Him 
When into the woods He came.

2 verse:
Out of the woods my Master came
And he was well content;
Out of the woods my Master came,
Content with death and shame.
When death and shame would woo Him last,
From under the trees they drew Him last,
’Twas on a tree they slew Him-last
When out of the woods He came.


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Русский В сад Гефсиманский наш Господь входил
Даниил Александрович Ясько Песнь Возрождения
Украинский В сад Гефсиманський

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Into the woods my Master went
Wilshire Baptist Church

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