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In a Little While
Voice of Praise
In a Little While - Voice of Praise

1 verse:
Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way,
In a little while we’re going home.
For the night will end in the everlasting day,
In a little while we’re going home.

In a little while, In a little while,
We shall cross the billow’s foam;
We shall meet at last, When the stormy winds are past,
In a little while we’re going home!

2 verse:
We will do the work that our hands may find to do,
In a little while we’re going home.
And the grace of God will our daily strength renew,
In a little while we’re going home.

3 verse:
We will smooth the path for some weary, wayworn feet,
In a little while we’re going home.
And may loving hearts spread around an influence sweet!
In a little while we’re going home.

4 verse:
There’s a rest beyond, there’s relief from every care,
In a little while we’re going home;
And no tears shall fall in that city bright and fair,
In a little while we’re going home.


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