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We are out on the ocean sailing
We are out on the ocean sailing - Неизвестен

1 verse:
We are out on the ocean sailing,
Homeward bound we sweetly glide;
We are out on the ocean sailing,
To a home beyond the tide.

All the storms will soon be over,
Then we’ll anchor in the harbor;
We are out on the ocean sailing,
To a home beyond the tide;
We are out on the ocean sailing,
To a home beyond the tide.

2 verse:
Millions now are safely landed,
Over on the golden shore;
Millions more are on their journey,
Yet there’s room for millions more.

3 verse:
When we all are safely anchored,
We will shout-our trials o’er;
We will walk about the city,
And we’ll sing for evermore.


автор слов: автор музыки:
34 просмотра

Перевод песни

Русский По равнине океана
Иван Степанович Проханов Песнь Возрождения
Украинский Ми життєвим грізним морем
Пісні спасенних
Украинский Ми життєвим океаном
Євангельські Пісні

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