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For Heaven's Sake
Leanna Crawford
For Heaven's Sake - Leanna Crawford

Have we lost all our hope in each other 
Have we forgotten we’re sisters and brothers
Can we be a little more like Jesus to one another 
Can we give a little grace for heaven's sake

For the sake of all that’s good and holy 
Drop the hatred that we’re holding
Let the perfect blood of Jesus 
Wash it all away
Lay our pride on the altar 
Hand it over to the Father 
Until our hearts are changed 
For heaven's sake

Maybe we could learn to love if we’d stop hiding 
Maybe we could learn to trust if we’d stop fighting
If we fall down on our knees we could finally start to see 
That He loves us all the same for heaven's sake

May we all learn to seek understanding 
May we all learn to give open handed
Pouring out our very best letting Jesus do the rest 
So they know His name for heaven's sake


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