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People Get Ready (Spontaneous) Misty Edwards

Intro: Spoken He's coming Awake, awake O sleeper Awake, awake O sleeper He's coming He's coming, He's alive Jesus of Nazareth The Son of David, the slain Lamb He was born to be a King He's alive, the Jewish man He's alive, He's alive Prepare the way People get ready People get ready Surely, He is not a man that He would lie He said He would come again And He will come again People get ready People get ready People get ready Some said a carpenter, some said a teacher They said a prophet, they said He's a fraud He's God But He's fully a man And He was born to be a King You know He was silent? Like a lamb to the slaughter, He was silent In His patience, He endured But I know the end of the story And we're only at the beginning, at the beginning He's coming, He's alive He's alive Look upon the One we pierced Look upon the One we pierced Who is this King of glory? Who is this King of glory? Jesus, Messiah The root and the offspring of David
1 Verse: I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah
Spontaneous: He's alive The same way He ascended, He will descend again He's doing a new thing Are you ready, are you ready for this?
1 Verse: I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah And I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah And I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah
2 Verse: He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song
3 Verse: He's not a baby in a manger anymore He's not a broken man on a Cross He didn't stay, in the grave And He's not staying in Heaven forever He's not a baby in a manger anymore He's not a broken man on a Cross He didn't stay, in the grave And He's not staying in Heaven forever
Pre Chorus 1: 'Cause He's alive, He's alive 'Cause He's alive, He's alive He's alive, He's alive He's alive, He's alive 'Cause He's alive, He's alive He's alive
Chorus: People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming
Spontaneous: We join in the song of the ages, it's a new song It's a new song, it's a new song We say to the One who was slain "You have proven Your love And You have shown us, shown us That You can be trusted." So take the scroll and open And open, and open the seals We trust You, Jesus And we want You to come back So take the scroll and open the seals So take the scroll and open the seals, yeah yeah yeah
1 Verse: I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of the tribe of Judah
2 Verse: Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song Because He's doing a new thing So we're singing a new song
3 Verse: He's not a baby in a manger anymore He's not a broken man on a Cross He didn't stay, in the grave And He's not staying in Heaven forever He's not a baby in a manger anymore He's not a broken man on a Cross He didn't stay, in the grave And He's not staying in Heaven forever
Pre Chorus 1: 'Cause He's alive, He's alive He's alive, He's alive He's alive, He's alive He's alive, yeah
Chorus: People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming
Spontaneous: People walking around with their fingers in their ears Singing, "Da da da da da, I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King." People walking around with their fingers in their ears Singing, "Da da da da da, I don't want to hear the sound of the coming King." But He says, He says "Well, I have held my peace for a long, long, long, long time And in my silence You thought that I was all together like you And in your heart you were settled in complacency You said, 'He won't even respond' You said, 'He's not interested' You said, 'He's dead and gone' But I've been silent for such a long, long, long, long time But I'm about to gasp, to pant To cry out, to cry out, to cry out, to cry out I'm about to shout!"
Bridge: 'Cause once again I'm going to shake everything that can be shaken Once again I'm going to break everything that can be broken Once again I'm going to shake everything that can be shaken Once again I'm going to break everything that can be broken
Pre Chorus 2: Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you ready? Are you ready?
Chorus: People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming People get ready Jesus is coming
Tag: He's coming He's coming He's coming He's coming He's coming He's coming He's coming, yeah

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