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What a Gathering That Will Be - Sunday Babalola

1 verse:
At the sounding of the trumpet, 
When the saints are gathered home,
We will greet each other by the crystal sea,
With the friends and all the loved ones 
There awaiting us to come,
What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be!

What a gath'ring, gath'ring,
At the sounding of the glorious jubilee!
What a gath'ring, gath'ring,
What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be!

2 verse:
When the angel of the Lord proclaim 
That time shall be no more,
We shall gather, and the saved and ransomed see;
Then to meet again together 
On the bright celestial shore,
What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be!

3 verse:
At the great and final Judgment, 
When the hidden comes to light,
When the Lord in all His glory we shall see;
At the bidding of our Savior, 
"Come, ye blessed to my right,
What a gath'ring of the faithful that will be!


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Украинский В день, коли сурма Господня
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Sacred Hymns A capella Volume 7
Sunday Babalola
2024 альбом

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