Обзор Презентация
Merchant Band
Tower - Merchant Band

C            Csus4          C           G     C           Csus4    C          G
 I will be glad and rejoice in God, for He’s a refuge for the poor
        Am         F            C           F                   G
And He maintains my lot; my confidence is sure

C                Csus4             C               G      C              Csus4        C         G
 I will sing praise to His name most high, for He has heard the humble cry
        Am        F          C              F                  G
And He lifts up my head; my confidence is sure
          F                    G
(My hope is in the Lord)

C   G   Am   F   C   G   Am   F
Je   -    sus,        Je   -    sus
           C                   Em           Am
Your name is like a tower I run in
          F          C             Am                       G
I run into it again, and again I feel Your strength within
           C                  Em             Am
Your love is like a banner over me
          F                     C                     Am                       G
Over me I hear You sing, and Your song will set the captive free

C                     G                       Am   F
   You are the rock on which I stand
C                     G             Am   F
   You are the tower I run in
C                      G    Am                  F
   You are the melody that all the earth will sing
C                      G                              Am     F
   That all the world may know the power of Your hand


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Комментарии к песне

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Альбомы исполнителя

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