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Lost in You
Merchant Band
Lost in You - Merchant Band

1 Verse:
                                  C              G                        C           G
My heart wants to know You, God; I sing it a thousand times
                   C            G        Am
But every time You see it’s true
                  C             G                      C          G
Take me away with You; I want to abide in You
                       C           G          Am
For I cannot bear the distance, God

                      G                                     Em
I want to get lost in You, I want to be found in You
                       C                                       Am       D/F#
You are the reason I move, You are the reason I move

2 Verse:
                               C       G                              C       G
My soul’s longing for a drink of life-giving waters free
                           C       G            Am
To all who are thirsty You say, come
                             C        G                               C            G
For You are the bread I need, Your words are life and peace
                            C           G        Am
To whom shall I run but You, O God

Em             H                               Em
   Come to me, ease this aching heart
           H                                    Em
Only You can draw me closer, God
              H                            Em
No one else can satisfy my soul inside
I’ll sing it a thousand times
                            C                Em   D/F#
I’m wanting You by my side


автор слов:
42 просмотра 2 прослушивания 0 скачиваний

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Комментарии к песне

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Альбомы исполнителя

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