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Our God Reigns
Merchant Band
Our God Reigns Merchant Band

1 Verse: F#m C# Our Bridegroom will come with passion ablaze E F#m The champion of God, the earth to reclaim C# E He comes in that day to be glorified with glory so bright
Pre-chorus: D H D When He breaks the back of the wicked, we will break forth into song, eternal song
Chorus: A E Our God reigns; the nations will sing His praise D E And tell of the wonders of His great love A E Our God reigns; oh, what a wondrous day D E When Satan is bound and Jesus is crowned
2 Verse: F#m C# His name be declared again and again E F#m As prisoners are freed and Israel repents C# E The wicked destroyed, the righteous rejoice in Jesus, our joy
Pre-tag: D A E D A E There is no one like You, O King of the Ages D A E D A E There is none as holy, deserving the highest praises
Tag: A E D A A E D A Our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns E/G# F#m E/G# A D Our God reigns Hm7 A Our God reigns E/G# F#m E/G# A There is no one like You, O King of the Ages D There is none as holy, deserving highest praises Hm7 A There is no one like You, who can compare to You? E/G# F#m E/G# A D Hm7 A Our God reigns, our God reigns

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