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The Lost Generation (Found) - Aviad Cohen

The lost generation waits in hope
For proof from above of the after world
The stories were told that the One would come
Messiah Mashiach when will You come
The world has fallen the sheep astray
The hour is near in the end of days
The natives are restless in search of You
Oh come dear King show them Your Truth

The prophets told now the seekers aim
To open their hearts to the King who reigns
The world is coming under attack
Oh Lord my God (our God) please come back
The Word is out but they will not see
Yeshua Mashiach how could You be
Please show them all of Your wondrous signs
Before we reach (the end) the end of times

Thank you Mashiach for the world to come
We'll meet You there when Your will be done
We praise Your name every waking hour
You are the One Creator (The Higher Power)
The honor is ours to serve You here
Await to meet You we do not fear
The darkness is falling Your time has come
And then the world will know You're the One

The lost generation…found


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