Обзор Презентация
Around the throne of God in heav'n
Around the throne of God in heav'n - Неизвестен

1 verse:
Around the throne of God in heav'n
Thousands of children stand,
Children whose sins are all forgiv'n,
A holy, happy band,

Singing, "Glory, glory,
Glory be to God on high!"

2 verse:
In flowing robes of spotless white
See ev'ry one arrayed;
Dwelling in everlasting light
And joys that never fade,

3 verse:
What brought them to that world above,
That heav'n so bright and fair,
Where all is peace, and joy, and love;
How came those children there,

4 verse:
Because the Savior shed his blood
To wash away their sin;
Bathed in that pure and precious flood,
Behold them white and clean,

5 verse:
On Earth they sought the Savior's grace,
On Earth they loved his Name;
So now they see his blessed face,
And stand before the Lamb


автор слов: автор музыки:
32 просмотра

Перевод песни

Русский Вокруг престола пред Творцом
Песнь Возрождения
Украинский При Божім троні в небесах
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