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Tell Mother I'll Be There
The Stutzman Family
Tell Mother I'll Be There The Stutzman Family

1 verse: G C Am When I was but a little child, how well I recollect D C D G How I would grieve my mother with my folly and neglect; G C Am And now that she has gone to Heav’n I miss her tender care: D G O Savior, tell my mother I’ll be there!
Chorus: G C G Tell mother I’ll be there, in answer to her prayer; D G This message, blessed Savior, to her bear! G C G Tell mother I’ll be there, Heav’n’s joys with her to share; D G Yes, tell my darling mother I’ll be there!
2 verse: Though I was often wayward, she was always kind and good; So patient, gentle, loving when I acted rough and rude; My childhood griefs and trials she would gladly with me share: O Savior, tell my mother I’ll be there!
3 verse: When I became a prodigal, and left the old rooftree, She almost broke her loving heart in mourning after me; And day and night she prayed to God to keep me in His care: O Savior, tell my mother I’ll be there!
4 verse: One day a message came to me, it bade me quickly come If I would see my mother ere the Savior took her home; I promised her, before she died, for heaven to prepare: O Savior, tell my mother I’ll be there!

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The Stutzman Family


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