Обзор Презентация
I Don't Know How
Nikki Hopkins
I Don't Know How - Nikki Hopkins

1 verse:
I don't understand
How could something good come from this.
My life is now consumed
With heartache, tears and brokenness.
But when the nights are long and I can't sleep,
He calms my storm and gives me peace.
Then I remember His ways are higher and I say:

I don't know how, but God's going to use it,
I don't know when, but God's going to do it.
He's going to use it for His glory
And work it for my good!
He is my song and my salvation,
He is the lifter of my head,
So as I'm waiting I'll just keep praising
While He's working His plan!

2 verse:
You don't understand how anything good
Could come through your trial,
Your mind is so consumed 
And fear has robbed you of your smile.
When the tears won't stop and you can't find rest
Just speak the Name of Jesus!
When you remember His ways are higher then you can say:

I believe He's working it out for me!
I believe He's working it out for me!
I believe He's working it out for me!
Yes, I believe, I believe!


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