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Believe For It (Live)
Cece Winans
Believe For It (Live) Cece Winans

Intro: C Em7 D G/H
1 Verse: C Em7 D G/H They say this mountain can't be moved C Em7 D G/H They say these chains will ne - ver break C Em7 D But they don't know You like we do G/H C Em7 D There is po - wer in Your name
2 куплет: C Em7 D G/H We've heard that there is no way through C Em7 D G/H We've heard the tide will ne - ver change C Em7 D They haven't seen what You can do G/H C Em7 D There is po - wer in Your name G/H C Em7 D So much power in Your name
Chorus: G D Em7 Move the im - mov - a - ble, G/H Break the un - break - a - ble C Em7 D G God, we believe, God, we believe for it G D Em7 From the im - pos - si - ble, G/H We’ll see a mir - a - cle C Em7 D C God, we believe, God, we believe for it
Instrumental: C Em7 D
3 Verse: C Em7 D G/H We know that hope is ne - ver lost C Em7 D G/H For there is still an emp - ty grave C Em7 D God, we believe, no mat - ter what G/H C Em7 D There is po - wer in Your name G/H C Em7 D So much power in Your name
Chorus: G D Em7 Move the im - mov - a - ble, G/H Break the un - break - a - ble C Em7 D G God, we believe, God, we believe for it G D Em7 From the im - pos - si - ble, G/H We’ll see a mir - a - cle C Em7 D God, we believe, God, we believe for it
Instrumental: 2 D Em C G
1 Bridge: D Em C G You are the way when there seems to be no way D Em C G We trust in You, God, You have the fin - al say D Em C G You are the way when there seems to be no way D Em C C We trust in You, God, You have the fin - al say
Chorus: G D Em7 Move the im - mov - a - ble, G/H Break the un - break - a - ble C Em7 D G God, we believe, God, we believe for it G D Em7 From the im - pos - si - ble, G/H We’ll see a mir - a - cle C Em7 D God, we believe, God, we believe for it C Em7 D G God, we believe, God, we believe for it
Instrumental: 3 G Em C D
2 Bridge: G Em You say, I believe it C D You say, it is done G Em You say, (I believe) I believe it C D You say, (It's already done) it is done (It's already done) G Em You say, and I believe it (Yes, I do) C D You say, (I believe it) it is done (It is done) G Em You say (Just because You say), I believe it (I can trust You with it) C D You say (Just because You say), it is done (I can trust You when You…) G Em You say (Say it's done), I believe it (Yeah, yeah) C D You say (Just because You say), it is done
Chorus: G D Em7 Move the im - mov - a - ble, G/H Break the un - break - a - ble C Em7 D G God, we believe, God, we believe for it G D Em7 From the im - pos - si - ble, G/H We’ll see a mir - a - cle C Em7 D G God, we believe, God, we believe for it
Ending: Em Yes, Lord C Oh oh-oh-oh D G God, we believe for it

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Перевод песни

Португальский Eu Creio (Believe For It)
Gabriela Rocha
Английский Believe For It
Cece Winans
Русский Верю я
Марина Харченко Cece Winans
Украинский Вірю я
Єва Прімакова Християнська Божа Церква
Английский Believe For It (Live)
Living Water Worship

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