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Just Want You
Equippers Revolution
Just Want You Equippers Revolution

Chorus: Don't need another lie I need the whole truth You're all that's on my mind And I just want You
1 Verse: You're the same yesterday Today and forever So I'll trust in You No I won't let my heart grow cold
2 Verse: Your Word stands firm From the very beginning So I'll praise Your name Yeah You deserve it all
Chorus: Don't need another lie I need the whole truth You're all that's on my mind And I just want You
3 Verse: Your love breaks through A world full of problems Whether high or low Your love is always there
4 Verse: Your presence fills me up So I can go higher Empower me So I can live for You
Chorus: Don't need another lie I need the whole truth You're all that's on my mind And I just want You
Bridge: I don't want anyone else but You I put everything else aside I want to get to know You more
Bridge: I don't want anyone else but You I put everything else aside I want to get to know You more I just want You
Chorus: Don't need another lie I need the whole truth You're all that's on my mind And I just want You
Outro: And I just want You
Outro: I just want You

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Перевод песни

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D.WORSHIP, Наталя Денисюк D.Youth Worship

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