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Once my way was dark and dreary
Once my way was dark and dreary Неизвестен

1 verse: Once my way was dark and dreary, For my heart was full of sin, But the sky is bright and cheery, Since the fullness of His love came in!
Chorus: I can never tell how much I love Him I can never tell His love for me, For it passeth human measure, Like a deep, unfathomed sea; ’Tis redeeming love in Christ my Savior, In my soul the heav’nly joys begin; And I live for Jesus only, Since the fullness of His love came in!
2 verse: There is grace for all the lowly, Grace to keep the trusting soul: Pow’r to cleanse and make me holy, Jesus shall my yielded life control.
3 verse: Let me spread abroad the story, Other souls to Jesus win; For the cross is now my glory, Since the fullness of His love came in!

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