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May the mind of Christ my Savior - Norton Hall Band

1 verse:
May the mind of Christ my Savior
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and pow’r controlling
All I do and say!

2 verse:
May the Word of Christ dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His pow’r!

3 verse:
May the peace of Christ my Savior
Rule my life in every thing,
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing!

4 verse:
May the love of Jesus fill me,
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory!

5 verse:
May I run the race before me,
Strong and brave to face the foe,
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.

6 verse:
May His beauty rest upon me
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel,
Seeing only Him!


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