Обзор Презентация
I will believe
Nichole Nordeman
I will believe Nichole Nordeman

1 Verse:
We were meant to open doors
And we were meant to face the danger
Never knowing what's in store
And never having met a stranger

2 Verse:
One of us is big and brave
And one of us is tenderhearted
One of us is tempting fate
And the last but not least of us
Has faith enough for each of us

Pre Chorus 1:
And I know
That I could never go it alone
'Cause I believe
I'd be lost without You here beside me

It's like daylight, at midnight
It's my favorite dream when nothings really as it seems
Don't wake me, just take me
Take me by the hand and I will believe

3 Verse:
We have always been protected
Little ones should run and hide
But we expect the unexpected
When love arrives and calls us all inside

Pre Chorus 2:
And I know
That even when the wind blows
I'll be fine
'Cause you and I will get by 'til Springtime

It's like daylight, at midnight
It's my favorite dream when nothings really as it seems
Don't wake me, just take me
Take me by the hand and I will believe

Don't close your eyes, I'm right beside you
Don't be afraid, I'm never far
You and I were always meant to
Wake the dreamers from the dark

Come out, come out wherever you are

It's like daylight, at midnight
It's my favorite dream when nothings really as it seems
Don't wake me, just take me
Take me by the hand and I will believe

Come out, come out wherever you are


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Альбомы исполнителя

Nichole Nordeman
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