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Our God Is Love
Hillsong Worship
Our God Is Love Hillsong Worship

1 Verse: F# Every soul, every beating heart C# Every nation, and every tongue D#m C# H Come find hope in the love of the Father F# All creation will bow as one C# Let them rise, see the risen Son D#m C# H Jesus Saviour, forever and after
Chorus: F# C# This is love D#m H F# C# Jesus came and died and gave His life for us D#m H D#m Let our voices rise and sing for all He's done C# H Our fear is overcome D#m H C# Our God is love D#m H C# Our God is love
2 Verse: F# Every distant and broken heart C# Every prayer, every outstretched arm D#m C# H Finding hope in the love of the Father F# Age to age let His praises rise C# All the glory for all of time D#m C# H Jesus Saviour, forever and after
Chorus: F# C# This is love D#m H F# C# Jesus came and died and gave His life for us D#m H D#m Let our voices rise and sing for all He's done C# H Our fear is overcome D#m H C# Our God is love D#m H C# Our God is love
Bridge: H F# C# Age to age, we will be singing D#m H In the light of all He's done F# C# All the earth, everyone singing D#m H In the wonder of His love F# C# Age to age, we will be singing D#m H In the light of all He's done D#m C# All the earth, everyone singing
Chorus: F# C# This is love D#m H F# C# Jesus came and died and gave His life for us D#m H D#m Let our voices rise and sing for all He's done C# H Our fear is overcome D#m H C# Our God is love D#m H C# Our God is love Our God is love Our God is love

397 просмотров 244 прослушивания 20 скачиваний

Перевод песни

Русский Бог есть Любовь
Hillsong Ukraine
Украинский Бог є любов
Slava Bondarkov Hillsong Worship

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