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Church In The Wildwood
Brothers of the Heart
Church In The Wildwood Brothers of the Heart

1 verse: E H There's a church in the valley by the wildwood, H E No lovelier place in the dale, A E No spot is so dear to my childhood, H E As the little brown church in the dell!
2 verse: There, close by the church in the valley Lies one that I love so well. She sleeps, sweetly sleeps, neath the willow, Disturb not her rest in the dell.
Chorus: E Oh, come, come, come, come! E H Come to the church by the wildwood, H E Oh, come to the church in the dale! A E No spot is so dear to my childhood, H E As the little brown church in the dell!
3 verse: How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning To list to the clear ringing bell! It’s tones so sweetly are calling, Oh, come to the church in the dell!
4 verse: There, close by the side of that loved one, Neath the tree where the wild flowers bloom When the farewell hymn shall be chanted, I shall rest by her side in the tomb!
Chorus: -2 D Oh, come, come, come, come! D A Come to the church by the wildwood, A D Oh, come to the church in the dale! G D No spot is so dear to my childhood, A D As the little brown church in the dell!

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Перевод песни

Русский Известна мне Церковь живая
Иван Степанович Проханов Песнь Возрождения
Украинский Узнав я про Церкву живую
Украинский Дізнавсь я про Церкву живую
Buzivka Church
Украинский Дізнавсь я про Церкву живую
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