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How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds! - Harvest Collective

1 verse:
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear!
It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds,
And drives away all fear.
It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
'Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary rest.

2 verse:
Dear name! Upon the Rock we build,
Our shield and hiding place,
Our never failing treasury filled
With boundless stores of grace!
Jesus! The Shepherd, Husband, Friend,
Prophet, Priest and King,
Our Lord, our Life, our Way, our End,
Accept the praise we bring.

3 verse:
And when we breathe our final breath
And all around grows dim
What glory now our eyes will see
When our eyes open to Him!
There we’ll receive the crown He’ll give 
We’ll cast them all aside
Sin and shame will find their end 
When He perfects His bride!


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Awake My Soul
Harvest Collective
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