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O come, little children
Cedarmont Kids
O come, little children - Cedarmont Kids

1 verse:
O come, little children, o come, one and all
O come to the cradle n Bethlehem's stall 
And see what the Father, from Heaven above 
Has sent us tonight as a proof of His love.

2 verse:
O see in the manger, in hallowed light
A star throws its beam on this holiest sight.
In clean swaddling clothes lies the Heavenly Child, 
More lovely than angels this Baby so mild.

3 verse:
O there lies the Christ-Child on hay and on straw;
The shepherds are kneeling before Him with awe
And Mary and Joseph smile on Him with love 
While angels are singing sweet songs from above.


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Перевод песни

Русский О, детки, идите, идите скорей
Песнь Возрождения
Русский О детки, идите, идите скорей
Песнь Возрождения
Английский O come, little children!
Украинский О, дітки, ідіть же, скоріше ідіть!
Grace Evangelical Church

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