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Marching on in the light of God
Marching on in the light of God Неизвестен

1 verse: Marching on in the light of God, Marching on, I am marching on; Up the path that the Master trod, Marching, marching on!
Chorus: A robe of white, a crown of gold, A harp, a home, a mansion fair, A victor’s palm a joy untold, Are mine when I get there!
2 verse: Marching on through the hosts of sin, Marching on I am marching on; Vict’ry’s mine while I’ve Christ within, Marching, marching on!
3 verse: Marching on while the skeptics sneer, Marching on, I am marching on; Perfect love casteth out all fear, Marching, marching on!
4 verse: Marching on with the flag unfurled, Marching on, I am marching on; Preaching Christ to the dying world, Marching, marching on!

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