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Nick & Anita Haigh
Pilgrim - Nick & Anita Haigh

I am a pilgrim  a travelling soul,
Seeking to follow the pathways of old
To walk where the wise and the humble have trod
Into your presence, O God

I am a pilgrim  my soul is laid bare
My hands they are empty, my heart full of care
Hungry to taste of your merciful fayre 
And feast in your presence, O God

I am a pilgrim  once settled and sure,
Now disillusioned with what’s gone before
Restless until I can enter your door
And rest in your presence, O God

I am a pilgrim  will you be my guide?
Be my companion and walk by my side
At my journey’s ending with arms open wide
Hold me in your presence, O God.


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Русский Pilgrim
Лена Ким, Ирина Маргулис Nick & Anita Haigh

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