Chorus: CDmBehold, behold, C/EFC/EC/GGbehold the King of glo - ryCDmBehold, behold, C/EFC/EGCbehold the King of glo - ry
Verse: FC/GG Beauty and maje - sty, EmAmperfect authori-ty FC/GG Righteous and mighty, CAmon earth as in hea-ven
Chorus: CDmBehold, behold, C/EFC/EC/GGbehold the King of glo - ryCDmBehold, behold, C/EFC/EGCbehold the King of glo - ry
Verse: FC/GG Beauty and maje - sty, EmAmperfect authori-ty FC/GG Righteous and mighty, CAmon earth as in hea-ven FC/GG Creation in uni ty, EmAmG all nations in harmo-ny FC/GG A love for eternity CAmon earth as in hea - ven
Chorus: x2 CDmBehold, behold, C/EFC/EC/GGbehold the King of glo - ryCDmBehold, behold, C/EFC/EGCbehold the King of glo - ry
Chorus: CDBehold, behold, EAE/G#E/HHbehold the King of glo - ryE/G#F#mBehold, behold, EE/G#E/HHbehold the King of glo - ryEF#mBehold, behold, E/G#AE/G#HEbehold the King of glo - ry
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