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Since Christ my soul from sin set free Неизвестен

1 verse: Since Christ my soul from sin set free, This world has been a heaven to me; And ’mid Earth’s sorrows and its woe, ’Tis heaven my Jesus here to know.
Chorus: O hallelujah! Yes, ’tis heaven, ’Tis heaven to know my sin's forgiven; On land or sea, what matters where? Where Jesus is, ’tis heaven there!
2 verse: Once heaven seemed a far-off place, Till Jesus showed His smiling face; Now it’s begun within my soul, ’Twill last while endless ages roll.
3 verse: What matters where on Earth we dwell? On mountain top, or in the dell, In cottage, or a mansion fair, Where Jesus is, ’tis heaven there!

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