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Sweet, sweet Spirit
Praise & Harmony Singers
Sweet, sweet Spirit - Praise & Harmony Singers

1 verse:
There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place,
And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord;
There are sweet expressions on each face,
And I know they feel the presence of the Lord.

Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet heavenly Dove,
Stay right here with us, filling us with Your love.
And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise;
Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived,
When we shall leave this place.

2 verse:
There are blessings you cannot receive
Till you know Him in His fullness and believe;
You're the one to profit when you say,
"I am going to walk with Jesus all the way."

3 verse:
If you say He saved you from your sin,
Now you're weak, you're bound and cannot enter in,
You can make it right if you will yield,
You'll enjoy the Holy Spirit that we feel.


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156 просмотров 49 прослушиваний 1 скачиваний

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Украинский Ніжний Дух Святий
Олександр Смітюх Praise & Harmony Singers
Украинский О, прийди, Дух Божий, о, прийди!
Ірина Матвійчук Пісні хвали та поклоніння

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Praise & Harmony Singers

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