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Lift Him Up In The Sanctuary
Lift Him Up In The Sanctuary REVERE
1 Verse: Have you heard of the God of the Heavens? Do you know what His power can do? With His Word He created existence So Let us give Him the honor He’s duePre Chorus: Praise Him oh ye people Raise your voice andChorus: Lift Him up in the sanctuary Lift Him up for His mighty works Lift Him up in the earth and Heavens Lift Him up, Lift Him up!2 Verse: He delivered His people from bondage All the idols and gods had to fall Then he canceled the record of charges When He nailed all our wrongs to the crossPre Chorus: Praise Him oh ye people Raise your voice andChorus: Lift Him up in the sanctuary Lift Him up for His mighty works Lift Him up in the earth and Heavens Lift Him up, Lift Him up! Let’s praise Him Let’s praise Let’s praise Him Let’s praise his nameBridge: Do you know that He is wonderful? Do you know that He is powerful? Do you know that He is marvelous? Come one let’s praise and LIFT HIM UP!2 Bridge: Praise Him with the instruments With the timbrel and with the dance Oh Praise Him while you got a chance Come on let’s praise and LIFT HIM UP! If you’re living, breathing Let’s lift Him up!3 Bridge: For the wonders of his mighty works For the beauty of His majesty Let everything that has breath Come on let’s praise and LIFT HIM UP!2 Bridge: Praise Him with the instruments With the tambourine and dancing Let everything that has breath Come on let’s praise andChorus: Lift Him up in the sanctuary Lift Him up for His mighty works Lift Him up in the earth and Heavens Lift Him up, Lift Him up!
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