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Music in my soul
Music in my soul Неизвестен

1 verse: My heart's a tuneful harp when Christ abides within, There's music in the name of Jesus; But Satan always strikes the chords of doubt and sin; I love the gentle touch of Jesus.
Chorus: O there's music, sweetest music, There's music in the name of Jesus; O there's music, heav'nly music, With Jesus in my soul.
2 verse: How cheering is the voice of heav'nly melody! How diff'rent is the world's complaining! And we may make the choice of what this life shall be, With promise of the life remaining.
3 verse: When we are dead to Self, then are we dead to sin; "An undivided heart", says Jesus; Till then the Prince of Peace cannot abide within, With Self there is no room for Jesus.
4 verse: Don't bind the giant down, nor lay him on the shelf, Nor leave him dead on Sini's mountain; There's only one sure way to ride the heart of Self, A burial deep in Calv'ry's fountain.
5 verse: Then Love begins her life of work, and song, and prayer, With not a moment lost in sighing; To save a dying world, is all her tho't and care For love is more than self denying.

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