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A Jesus Church
Pressure - A Jesus Church

When I’m empty
At my lowest
You surround me
You’re my fortress

When I’m anxious
Feeling lonely
You remind me
You’re my focus

Pre chorus: 
All that I’m feeling
What I’ve been dealing with You give me space to be
But I hear you saying
No need to stay here
Just come and follow me

All the pressure’s off
With you, with you
All the pressure’s off
With you, with you
You’ll never walk away
Your love will not forsake me
All the pressure’s off With you, with you

You’re the answer
To my questions
In my sorrow
In depression

Friend of suffering
Well acquainted
You were forsaken Cuz I was your joy Pre
All that I’m feeling
What I’ve been dealing with
You give me space to be
And I hear you saying
No need to stay here
Just come and follow me


Here I am
Desperate for your presence 
All I want is you, is you
Where I am
You are all around me
And I belong to you, to you


104 просмотра 69 прослушиваний 9 скачиваний

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