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Consuming Fire (Fuego de Dios)
Christ For The Nations Worship
Consuming Fire (Fuego de Dios) Christ For The Nations Worship

Intro: Hm G D A
1 Verse: Hm G May my life be a reflection D Of your power and your glory, A Breathing in the breath of heaven, Hm Leading in to hear your heartbeat. G And my heart, my thoughts, my mind Lord, D they are yours now and forever. A G Come and do in me your will and I'll be yours today forever.
Chorus 1: Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again. Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again.
2 Verse: Hm G And I give you all my days Lord. D All my joys and all my sorrows, A and the plans that I have dreamed of, Hm Hold them back for yours to follow. G May my mouth be full of blessings, D Lord, I want to speak with your words. A May your spirit light my pathway. G Take my life today forever.
Chorus 1: Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again
Bridge: Em Hm 'Cause all I want to do is please you. G D A Be the ruler of my world and Em Hm Take away the things that blind me. G A All I want is to live for you.
Chorus 2: Hm G Fuego de Dios, quémame hoy D A Hm Purifícame y llename otra vez Hm G Fuego de Dios, quémame hoy D A Hm Purifícame y llename otra vez
Interlude: Hm G D A Hm Purificame ven y llename otra vez. Hm G D A A Purificame ven y llename otra vez.
Chorus 1: Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again
Interlude: Hm G D A
Chorus 1: Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A Hm Overtake my heart and burn in me once again
Outro: Hm G Consuming fire, burn deep within D A A Overtake my heart and burn in me once again

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Перевод песни

Английский Consuming Fire
Белый Ангел
Русский Зажги во мне Твой огонь
Ольга Петрова Christ For The Nations Worship

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