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The fields are ready
Mitch Wong
The fields are ready Mitch Wong
|C/ / / | Dmaj7
/ / / | F#m7
/ / / | Dmaj7
/ / A2
/C#| Chorus We A
pray, we pray Give us Dmaj7
hearts Like the Lord of C#7
/ the F#m7
Harvest Jesus, give us Dmaj7
hearts like You A2
/C# REPEAT CHORUS Verse Full of A
compassion Jesus, give us Dmaj7
hearts like You Love th C#7
/ at is a F#m7
ctive Jesus, give us Dmaj7
hearts like You A2
/C# Selflessly A
giving Jesus, give us Dmaj7
hearts like You Read C#7
/ y and wi F#m7
lling We lift our eyes to Dmaj7
see the truth A2

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