Обзор Презентация
Those Who Trust
Those Who Trust Salvador

1 Verse: Em Those who trust in the Lord H7 Are as a strong mountain Am H7 Em They will not, not be moved Em Those who trust in the Lord H7 Are as a strong mountain Am H7 Em They will not, not be moved
Chorus: C H7 Though the world moves like mad Em You alone are faithful G C H7 Jesus, You, You will not, not be changed
2 Verse: Em Christ the King, keeps my feet H7 On a strong foundation Am H7 They will not, not be moved Em Those who trust in the Lord H7 Are as Mount Zion Am H7 They will not, not be moved

398 просмотров 1054 прослушивания 13 скачиваний

Перевод песни

Украинский Ті хто з Богом ідуть
Родiон Iгнатенко Голгофа церква
Испанский Quienes confian en el Señor
Русский Кто в Христа верует
В. Куличенко Salvador
Украинский Ті Хто з Богом Ідуть
Блага Звістка Київ

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