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My hope is in the Lord
Tommy Coomes Band
My hope is in the Lord - Tommy Coomes Band

1 verse: 
I stand in awe within the presence of the Lord.
in Whom the wisdom of the ages lies.
For whom the raging of the seas subsides.
The living sacrifice, the only source of life.

My hope is in the Lord
From this time on and evermore.
Oh my hope is in the Lord forevermore.

2 verse: 
His tender mercies come with every rising sun.
To meet the sinner in his brokenness.
To offer healing and forgiveness.
And those who trust in Him will find their hearts at rest.


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Перевод песни

Украинский Мій Бог - моя надія
Спасіння Вишневе
Украинский Мій Бог – моя надія
Олег Кирилков

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My hope is in the Lord
Tommy Coomes Band

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