Обзор Презентация
Way Maker (Remix) Leeland

you are 
and that’s what I need right now
i’ve been battling back-and-forth 
and it seems like my life’s been going down  
tryna pick myself back up 
but i’m still stuck in this rut
i don’t know how much i can take 
not much longer til i give up  
so i 
sit here 
waiting to feel your touch 
but then my heart gets so hard 
but everything else feels so numb 
all these thoughts in my head 
tell me i’m too far gone to clean up
so God i need you here 
you won’t leave me here 
you told me nothing is too tough 
for you 
ya, so wrap me in your arms 
i can feel the brace of your love 
whenever i let down my guard 
oh God 
you are 
everything that i need 
now i’m down here on my knees 
begging you, Lord, just set me free 
even when i mess up 
you never leave me side 
and you always comfort me 
through all the dumb mistakes 
and the years of pain 
your son still hung on that tree 
for me 
ya, i don’t deserve this at all 
but your son still took my fall
and now i’m gonna shout him out to the world
that you are 
miracle worker 
promise keeper 
light in the darkness 
my God 
that is who you are

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Похожие песни

Way Maker


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Альбомы исполнителя

Con Todo Mi Ser
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You're Not Done (Radio Version)
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City of God
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Better Word
2019 альбом
2016 альбом
Christ Be All Around Me
2014 альбом
The Great Awakening
2011 альбом
Opposite Way
2008 альбом
Sound of Melodies
2006 альбом

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