Обзор Презентация
You Saved Me
Ryan Ellis
You Saved Me Ryan Ellis

Intro: C F
1 Verse: C This heart of mine was so far gone, F but You came crashing in with a love so strong. C I never thought I would ever feel it, F but Your love gave me all that I needed. (2x)
Chorus: C I'm in love, I cannot remember G what i was doing before I met You. Am I've been captivated F by the love You gave me.
2 Verse: C This heart of mine was so far gone, F but You came crashing in with a love so strong. C I never thought I would ever feel it, F but Your love gave me all that I needed. (2x)
Chorus: x2 C I'm in love, I cannot remember G what i was doing before I met You. Am I've been captivated F by the love You gave me.
Bridge: C G You saved me, You saved me F C G I will never leave Your love.
Tag: F You are strong C You are mighty, God G You are strong You are mighty, God F C I'm not fearing anything, no way! G I'm not fearing anything, no way!

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Перевод песни

Русский Я влюблен
Ryan Ellis
Английский You Saved Me
Русский Ты спас моё сердце
Новая жизнь Worship
Английский You Saved Me (Acoustic)
Украинский Закоханий
Катя Зінькевич Grace Worship
Украинский Врятував Ти
Ryan Ellis
Русский Ты Спас Моё Сердце + Стою
Слово Жизни Music
Русский Ты спас моё сердце
Краеугольный Камень Новосибирск
Английский You Saved Me
Avenue Music
Украинский Ти врятував
Влад Фонки, Анна Безгалова Влад Фонки
Английский You Saved Me + Never Going Back
MBL Worship
Русский Ты спас моё сердце
Ryan Ellis
Украинский Закохан я
Yulya Molchanova Ryan Ellis
Украинский Закоханий
Світлана Жура Світлана Жура
Украинский Я в любові
Danik Svyatetskiy Danik Svyatetskiy
Русский Ты спас моё сердце
Faith Church
Украинский Ти врятував
Анна Безгалова Skydoor Worship
Румынский Mi-ai salvat inima
Ryan Ellis
Украинский Врятував
Ольга Мельохіна Ryan Ellis

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