Обзор Презентация
Jesus is Better
Matthew West
Jesus is Better Matthew West

I have tasted and seen
What the world promised me
And it taught me one thing
Jesus is better

I've been trying find
Anything that satisfies
But I've made up my mind
Jesus is better

Jesus is better
Better than anything that
This world has to offer
Jesus is better
Nothing could ever
Ever hold my heart
Like the open arms of a Savior
Now and forever
Jesus is better

Oh, I know
Yes, I know

Now my cup overflows
Living water floods my soul
Of all else I'm letting go
Cause Jesus is better

Than even the best this life can give
What compares to a love like this
With all my heart my answer is
Jesus is better

Jesus is better
Better than anything that
This world has to offer
Jesus is better
Nothing could ever
Ever hold my heart
Like the open arms of a Savior
Now and forever
Jesus is better
Oh, I know
Yes, I know

No more drawing from an empty well
Jesus is better
No more buying all the lies they sell
Jesus is better
No more temporary pleasures
Jesus is better
No more chasing earthly treasures
Cause I found what's better

Jesus is better
Better than anything that
This world has to offer
Jesus is better
Nothing could ever
Ever hold my heart
Like the open arms of a Savior
Now and forever

Jesus is better
Oh, I know
Yes, I know


156 просмотров 64 прослушивания 14 скачиваний

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Альбомы исполнителя

Don't Stop Praying
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2024 альбом
Because of Bethlehem
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My Story Your Glory
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2023 альбом
Modest Is Hottest
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2021 single
Brand New
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2020 альбом
Take Heart
Matthew West
2020 single
The Hope of Christmas
Matthew West
2020 альбом
Unplanned (From "Unplanned")
Matthew West
2019 single
All In
Matthew West
2017 альбом
Into the Light
Matthew West
2012 альбом
The Heart of Christmas
Matthew West
2011 альбом
Something to Say
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2007 альбом
Christmas Collection
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