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Rescuer (Good News)
Rend Collective
Rescuer (Good News) Rend Collective

1 Verse: G There is good news for the captive C G Good news for the shamed C G There is good news for the one who D C D walked away Em G There is good news for the doubter C G The one religion failed G C D For the Good Lord has come to seek and G C G save
Chorus: G C G He's our rescuer Em D He's our rescuer G C G D G We are free from sin forever more C G Oh how sweet the sound Em D Oh how grace abounds G C G D G We will praise the Lord our rescuer
2 Verse: G He is beauty for the blind man C G Riches for the poor G C G He is friendship for the one the world D ignores Em He is pasture for the weary C G Rest for those who strive C D For the Good Lord is the way, the Em truth and life C D Yes the Good Lord is the way, the G truth and life
Chorus: G C G He's our rescuer Em D He's our rescuer G C G D G We are free from sin forever more C G Oh how sweet the sound Em D Oh how grace abounds G C G D G We will praise the Lord our rescuer C G Oh oh oh Em D Oh oh oh G C G D G We will praise the Lord our rescuer
Bridge: G So come and be chainless C Come and be fearless G D Come to the foot of Calvary Em There is redemption G C For every affliction G D G Here at the foot of Calvary G So come and be chainless C Come and be fearless G D Come to the foot of Calvary Em There is redemption G C For every affliction G D G Here at the foot of Calvary
Chorus: G C G He's our rescuer Em D He's our rescuer G C G D G We are free from sin forever more C G Oh how sweet the sound Em D Oh how grace abounds G C G D Em We will praise the Lord our rescuer C G D G We will praise the Lord our rescuer

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Украинский Відкупитель
Анатолій Лихолай Rend Collective

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