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Behold God Is Great
Jake Hamilton
Behold God Is Great - Jake Hamilton

Am  G-Dm
Behold, God is great and we do not know Him
Behold God is great who can number his years
He's so much bigger than any image I've made in my head
So much greater than any story book I've read, yeah

Pre chorus:
Am  G-Dm
Who is this that sits above the circle of the earth
And who is this that stretches out the heavens like a curtain
And who is this that measures the waters 
In the hollow of His hand

Am  G  F  Dm
So lift up your eyes to the heavens
And behold your God
Lift up your eyes to the heavens
He's so much bigger than, He's so much greater than
Lift up your eyes

Post bridge:
Am  G  F F
Who am I to question You
Who am I that I might accuse
Who am I to think that You owe me a debt

G-Am  G-Am  F-Em
Let the fear of the Lord return to the land
And all Your people cry holy, holy


1851 просмотр 1597 прослушиваний 106 скачиваний BPM: 90

Перевод песни

Русский Смотри Бог велик
Мария Жук Jake Hamilton
Украинский Ось який наш Бог
Дяк Лідія (церква Явлення Христа Львів) Jake Hamilton

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Альбомы исполнителя

Scars (Live from Denver)
Jake Hamilton
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Freedom Calling
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2011 альбом
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2009 альбом
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Статистика пользователей

Онлайн всего: 349
Гостей: 323
Пользователей: 26