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Great Is The Lord
Bob McKay
Great Is The Lord Bob McKay

Verse: A2 D2/A A2 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise D2/A F#m The city of our God, the holy place A Hm Hm C#m7 D D/E The joy of the whole earth A2 D2/A A2 Great is the Lord in whom we have the victory D2/A F#m He aids us against the enemy A Hm D E D/F# E We bow down on our knees
Chorus: A C#m7 And Lord we want to lift Your Name on high D2 A/C# And Lord we want to thank You Hm D/E For the work You've done in our lives A C#m7 And Lord we trust in Your unfailing love D A/C# For You alone are God eternal Hm E A D2/A Throughout earth and heaven above

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Альбомы исполнителя

Lamb Of God (Worship Without Words)
Bob McKay
1998 альбом

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