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Who Could've Dreamed
Jason Crabb
Who Could've Dreamed Jason Crabb
Who could have dreamed a night so sacred With all the wonder it could bring? Who could have known a simple lowly manger Would be a throne room for a king? Who could have dreamed this newborn baby Had come to earth to save us all? Who's hands once hung the stars, and knows them by name Who's feet once walked down Heaven's halls Such a holy love, such a wondrous grace Such majesty now born into an unexpected place Silent night so glorious Who could have dreamed this child would be, God with us? Who could have dreamed this savior sleeping Had come to earth to pay the highest cost? Who could have looked into that holy stable And seen the shadow of the cross? Such a holy love, such a wondrous grace Such majesty now born into an unexpected place Silent night, so glorious Who could have dreamed this child would be God with us? Such a holy love, such a wondrous grace Such majesty now born into an unexpected place Silent night, so glorious Who could have dreamed this child would be God with us? Who could have dreamed this child would be, God with us?
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