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Every Morning
Aaron Shust
Every Morning Aaron Shust

Intro: Am
1 Verse: Am G C One more day of trouble One more hour of tears One more night crying out to Heaven
2 Verse: Am Rescue us from sorrow Deliver us from fear Dm Em Am God how long till the coming of Your Kingdom?
Pre Chorus: Dm Em F G We won’t let our hearts forget
Chorus: Am Your mercies are new every morning F Great is Your faithfulness F Your faithfulness Am Your mercies are new every morning Em Great is Your faithfulness Em Your faithfulness
3 Verse: Am Your presence in our darkness The promise of the dawn Dm Em Am Your perfect love: the hope that keeps us strong
Pre Chorus: We won’t let our hearts forget
Chorus: Am Your mercies are new every morning F Great is Your faithfulness F Your faithfulness C Your mercies are new every morning Em Great is Your faithfulness Em Your faithfulness
Post Chorus: F Am G Em Singing Hallelujah Hallelujah Singing Hallelujah every morning Singing Hallelujah Hallelujah
1 Bridge: F You are my Shelter G You are my Rock Am You are my Fortress Em Our Redeemer F You are the Way G The Truth and the Life Am You are my Portion, my Salvation
2 Bridge: F You are my Shelter G You are my Rock Am You are my Fortress Em Our Redeemer Dm You are the Way The Truth and the Life E7 E Hallelujah Hallelujah

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