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Old 100th
Celtic Worship
Old 100th Celtic Worship

Intro: G Hm Aadd4 G Hm A G Hm A G
1 Verse: D G Aadd4 D All people that on earth do dwell G Hm Aadd4 Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice Hm D/F# G Aadd4 Hm Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell D/F# G Em7 Aadd4 G Hm A G Come ye before Him and re - joice
2 Verse: D G Aadd4 D The Lord, ye know, is God in - deed G Hm Aadd4 Without our aid, He did us make Hm D/F# G Aadd4 Hm We are His flock, He doth us feed D/F# G Em7 Aadd4 G And for His sheep, He doth us take
Chorus: D Asus4 Yahweh, into Your courts we enter with thankful hearts Hm G2 D O faithful God, Your love endures Repeat:
3 Verse: D G Aadd4 D O enter, then, His gates with praise G Hm Aadd4 Approach with joy His courts un - to Hm D/F# G Aadd4 Hm Praise laud and bless His name al - ways D/F# G Em7 Aadd4 D For it is seemly so to do
4 Verse: D G Aadd4 D For why the Lord, our God, is good G Hm Aadd4 His mercy is fore - ver sure Hm D/F# G Aadd4 Hm His truth, at all times, firm - ly stood D/F# G Em7 Aadd4 D And shall from age to age en - dure
Repeat Chorus: x2
Repeat 4 Verse:

226 просмотров 60 прослушиваний 7 скачиваний BPM: 85

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Celtic Worship
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