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In Christ Alone
Sounds Like Reign
In Christ Alone - Sounds Like Reign

1 verse:
G        D       G       A
 In Christ a-lone my hope is found,  
 D/F#     G      D  Em       G    D
 He is my light, my strength,  my song; 
      G      D           G     A
 This Corner-stone, this solid Ground, 
 D/F#             G    D    Em     G    D
 Firm through the fier-cest drought and storm  
      D/F#       G          D/F#      Asus4   A
 What heights of love, what depths of peace, 
      D/F#      G             Hm7       Asus4   A
 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease! 
    G      D       G      A
 My Comfor-ter, my All in All,  
 D/F#        G    D  Em7   G   D
 Here in the love of Christ I  stand. 

 Am7  Em7  D   Dsus4   D
2 verse:
     G       D          G       A
 In Christ a-lone - who took on flesh, 
 D/F#       G   D  Em  G       D
 Fulness of God in help - less babe! 
      G       D            G     A
 This gift of love and righteous-ness,  
 D/F#           G    D  Em  G   D
 Scorned by the ones He came to save: 
      D/F#     G       D/F#  Asus4   A
 Till on that cross as Jesus died, 
     D/F#     G       Hm7   Asus4   A
 The wrath of God was satis-fied 
     G     D      G       A
 For every sin on Him was laid; 
 D/F#        G     D  Em7   G  D
 Here in the death of Christ I live. 
 Am7  Em7  D   Dsus4   D
3 verse:
       G      D          G    A
 There in the ground His body lay, 
 D/F#         G     D  Em  G     D
 Light of the world by dark-ness slain; 
      G        D        G        A
 Then bursting forth in glorious Day, 
 D/F#        G     D  Em  G  D
 Up from the grave He rose a-gain! 
     D/F#  G         D/F#    Asus4   A
 And as He stands in victo - ry, 
       D/F#      G        Hm7     Asus4   A
 Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me. 
     G    D       G     A
 For I am His and He is mine 
 D/F#            G   D     Em7  G   D
 Bought with the pre-cious blood of Christ. 
 Am7  Em7  D   Dsus4   D
4 verse:
    G        D        G       A
 No guilt in life, no fear in death, 
 D/F#        G     D  Em    G   D
 This is the power of Christ in me; 
      G            D      G     A
 From life’s first cry to final breath, 
 D/F#      G     D  Em G   D
 Jesus com-mands my des-ti-ny. 
    D/F#     G        D/F#      Asus4   A
 No power of hell, no scheme of man, 
     D/F#  G        Hm7      Asus4   A
 Can ever  pluck me from His hand; 
      G     D        G        A
 Till He re-turns or calls me home, 
 D/F#        G     D  Em7   G     D
 Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!


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Перевод песни

Русский В Христе одном
Слово Благодати
Английский In Christ Alone
Русский В Христе одном покоюсь я
Молодежный Миссионерский Конгресс
Белорусский Знайду надзею ў Хрысьце
Ян Прадвесьнік царква
Русский Лишь во Христе
Владимир Картаев Сергей Демченко
Узбекский Фақат Масиҳ
Украинский Лиш у Христі
Наталя Денисюк Юлія Кучинська
Украинский Лиш у Христі надія є
Наталя Денисюк Неизвестен
Русский В Христе Одном
Маргарита Коломийцева Not To Us
Русский В Христе Одном
Украинский Лиш у Христі надія є
Наталя Денисюк Praise Band
Украинский Лише в Христі надія є!
Вадим Яцюк МСЦ ЕХБ Луцк
Английский In Christ alone
Don Moen
Английский In Christ Alone (Live)
Michael W. Smith
Украинский Лише в Христі надія є
Ірина Матвійчук Advent Music
Английский In Christ Alone
Adrienne Liesching

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